29th September 2018: New pre-print on loss aversion is now available here link . Great collaborative experience with Wenjia Joyce Zhao and Sudeep Bhatia from the University of Pennsylvania.

7th September 2018: New website for the newly formed network for E-health applications for physical activity, sleep and circadian rythms is now live - link

26th August 2018: PhD research of Zakiyya Adam has now been accepted for publication in the "Travel Behaviour and Society" journal!

8th August 2018: Our pre-print entitled “Impulsiveness and urgency: Gambling advertising and the 2018 soccer World Cup" is now available at PsyArXiv. Take a look if you are interested in behavioural science and gambling industry.

4th August 2018: I am delighted to announce that on the 1st of October I will be joining the Psychology Department at the University of Warwick as an Assistant Professor in behavioural sciences.

2nd July 2018: Pre-print of our meta-analysis on loss aversion in risky choice studies is now available on SSRN - link